pdf to text,pdf to tiff,pdf to jpg,pdf to bmp,pdf to jpg

PDF to TIFF Converter

PDF to TIFF Converter is a windows program that convert pdf to tiff image directly, (it doesn't requires Adobe Acrobat or other third-party library). PDF to TIFF Converter support convert multi-page pdf document to multi page tiff and it also support convert multi-page pdf document to multiple tiff image, support multiple compression method such as PACKBITS, CCITT FAX4 (G4 or GROUP 4),CCITT FAX3 (GROUP 3), LZW, JPEG, supports run from command line.

PDF to TEXT Converter

PDF to TEXT Converter is a win32 program that convert pdf to plain text and unicode text directly, it doesn't requires Adobe Acrobat or other library. support batch mode and run from command line, support PDF standard 1.7.

LD-Getter (Reauires Adobe Acrobat)

LD-Getter is a plug-in of Adobe Acrobat, it can convert PDF to text, the advantage of this software is that it can keep layout of original PDF document and it allowing you to convert PDF reports to formatted text or CSV file with the option that the heading and footer of the original report is not converted and only the report body is converted, and all exported text are aligned in columns,which makes it so easy for DATABASE or Excel to import from and reedit. many customers have chosen customized LD-Getter to convert their pdf report into text.

LD-Getter Pro (Requires Adobe Acrobat)

LD-Getter Pro has the same functions as LD-Getter, which allows you to convert PDF report to formatted text. LD-Getter Pro supports batch processing, which can convert hundreds of PDF reports at a time.

PDF to JPG Converter

A windows program that convert PDF to JPG (JPEG) image directly, (it doesn't requires Acrobat). supports batch mode, supports run from command line. PDF to JPG Converter support batch process mode, you can convert a hundred of PDF documents at one time. Fast speed PDF to JPG Converter supports convert English, French, German, Italian, Chinese, Japanese and other languages PDF files Supports all Windows platforms, 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP Support PDF 1.6 (formerly only supported by Acrobat 7.0) Support run from command line. Support True type,type 1, type 0 and CID font.

PDF to BMP Converter

A windows program that convert PDF to BMP image directly, (it doesn't requires Acrobat). supports batch mode, supports run from command line.


A program using PDF2IMG COM component to convert PDF to BMP,JPG, PNG and TIFF (Multiple Compression Methods: Uncompressed,CCITT FAX3 (Group 3 or G3), CCITT FAX 4 (Group 4 or G4), PackBits ,JPEG) . Support batch conversion and command line. Now it supports handle size dimensions from command line. Support user defined JPEG quality,support export 72-600 dpi image.

PDF to PNG Converter

PDF to PNG Converter is a standalone software that can convert PDF to PNG image directly and doesn't requires Adobe Acrobat and other library. it supports batch convert PDF to PNG image and support run from command line.


A stand-alone program that directly convert TIFF image to PDF, support multi-page TIFF image, support convert multiple TIFF image to one PDF file and convert multiple TIFF image to multiple PDF files support drag and drop, support self-define PDF information, fast and easy to use.